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Three General Wellness Guidelines for the Pandemic

President Joe Biden's administration announced earlier this week that mandatory lock-downs, handed down from the federal government, look like they're on the horizon. A push to get everyone vaccinated is failing due to the ...

Worried About Dementia as You Age? Here Are the Biggest Risk Factors

It is understandable to be worried about mental decline as you age. While there are some risk factors that are beyond your control, there are distinct influences that you can work to negate. It is never to...

Looking to Avoid the Coronavirus? Here are 6 Steps You Can Take

As coronavirus cases continue to spike all over the world, many people are wondering what they can do to keep themselves protected. Short of keeping yourself in a bubble, there is probably no way to completely ...

Experiencing Strange COVID-19 Dreams Lately? Here Are Some Tips to Help

You are not alone if you are experiencing strange dreams during this time of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many individuals are reporting a host of bizarre dreams that may be attributed to the stress of...

How Social Media May Be Upsetting Your Mental and Emotional Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of life. The way that people interact with social media and the influence that it exerts on everyday life is no different. Complicating the changes and e...

How Sleep Affects Your Ability to Be a Positive Person

You've probably heard the old adage that attitude is everything. However, if you're sleep-deprived, it's difficult to feel positive about anything at all. Just one day of missing sleep is enough to make most people feel ...

These COVID-19 Prevention Measures Could Reduce Spread of Influenza

Epidemiologists are predicting that the United States could experience an increase in the spread of COVID-19 during the upcoming winter months of the year. This increase in cases is likely to come at the sam...

Healthcare at the Forefront of Tuesday Night's Vice Presidential Debate

Buried in all of the rancor of Tuesday's vice presidential debate was significant discussions between the two candidates about health care issues. Vice President Mike Pence took on Sen. Kamala Harris at...

7 Ways to Manage Your Election-Related Stress

Voting in the 2020 election ended more than 36 hours ago, and several states are too close for the Associated Press to call as of noon on Thursday, November 5. The months, weeks and days leading up to the election caused an undue...