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Great Reads for Good Food

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This Crazy Trick Instantly Makes Your Face Masks Fit You Better

Countless studies have shown a simple face mask made of fabric, paper, or plastic can help cut back on COVID-19 spread. As epidemiologist Dr. George Rutherford explains, a face mask helps catch infected droplets...

What You Need to Know About Having Elective Surgery During COVID-19

Thanks to COVID-19, many people are advised to avoid healthcare facilities unless absolutely necessary. However, this puts many patients in a tough spot. How do you tell if the procedure your doctor recommen...

Is Now the Time to Allow Kids to Return to Sports? What to Know

If you are like most parents with active children, you may be desperately missing the outlet that youth sports once provided for your kids. As states begin the delicate reopening process, many areas are now put...

This Adorable Dutch Practice Is Set to Become the Newest Wellness Trend

When most people think about health trends, they picture things like unpleasant diets or intense exercise classes. However, one of the most exciting new wellness trends lately is actually something ext...

Health Officials Offer Holiday Safety Tips During COVID-19

The Mecosta County Health District and other local health departments around the United States are reminding people that there's still a pandemic going on, and precautions must be taken in order to slow the spread of...

Holiday Plans in Flux Because of COVID-19? How to Manage This Gracefully

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic has left the upcoming holiday season in flux. Many states have gone so far as to restrict people from gathering outside of their immediate households. Most recently, th...

How to Cope With the Stress of Civil Unrest

In mid-2020, protests about the deaths of African Americans were organized by Black Lives Matter groups across the United States. Other groups protested local and state mandates around wearing masks as a safeguard against COVID-19....

CDC Unsure if Coronavirus Variants Cause Rare Complications in Children

Over the past month or two, scientists who have been genotyping samples of the SARS CoV-2 virus have noticed several important mutations. When viruses replicate, mutations are inevitable. Most of the mut...

COVID-19 Triggers Stress and Mental Health Problems in Teens

More than 45% of high school students report feeling stressed from school and the COVID-19 pandemic. This information is from a new survey released on Friday, February 5. Virtual learning is still taking place for ...