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Great Reads for Good Food

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Returning to Work Have You Feeling Anxious? How You Can Cope

It is understandable if you feel anxious at work. This is particularly true if you have recently returned to an office setting after working from home over the last year because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. W...

Social Media's Effect on Your Wellness: How to Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

Social media has become a staple in most people's lives. It can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also harm mental health. According to various studies, it can c...

Listeria Outbreak Have You Concerned? Here is What You Need to Know

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially warned Americans of a listeria outbreak last week. The individuals impacted by this outbreak thus far are either living in Florida or hav...

McDonald's Offering Wellness Checks Amid Covid-19

Most states in the nation have been very busy in shutting down almost everything nonessential they can think of. Unfortunately for businesses, nonessential includes a lot of construction companies and a lot of manufacturer...

Pediatricians Urge Parents to Return to Normalcy in Visits

Parents of small children have been in a state of panic since the Covid-19 crisis started. Thankfully, the novel coronavirus doesn't act much like H1N1, which infected 61 million Americans back in 2009 and act...

Worried About Tear Gas? Here is What to Do If You Plan to Protest

The use of tear gas has been all over the news for the last week. As more protestors take to the streets to express their desire to see racial equality, police have resorted to using tear gas to disperse crow...

This Crazy Trick Instantly Makes Your Face Masks Fit You Better

Countless studies have shown a simple face mask made of fabric, paper, or plastic can help cut back on COVID-19 spread. As epidemiologist Dr. George Rutherford explains, a face mask helps catch infected droplets...

What Will it Take for the Usage of Facials Masks to Become Normalized?

As health experts continue to learn more about the most likely vectors of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, it is becoming more clear that facial masks make a difference. Not only does wearing a mask h...

COVID-19 and Your Physical Health: Here's How to Succeed

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you probably have already enrolled in a fitness program, such as in your local gym. Achieving that fitness profile that you so much desire will need your concerted effort and commitment....