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Great Reads for Good Food

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Foods to Eat During Pregnancy to Aid Your Baby's Development

There is a common saying that people use to tell others to eat healthy: "You are what you eat". When you are pregnant, that is more accurately the case for your growing baby. In order to give your ba...

Best Foods to Eat if You Are Looking to Boost Your Bone Health

As people retreat indoors during the coldest days of the winter, it is no surprise to learn that vitamin D production is suffering. This vitamin is made when the body is exposed to sunlight. Without this amp...

Want to Increase Your Calcium Intake Without Eating Dairy? Try These Foods

As the most abundant mineral in the body, calcium plays an instrumental role in blood clotting, bone strength, and muscle function. Because calcium is not produced by the body, you need to obtain...

Feeling Anxious About Dropping Your Face Mask? Coping Strategies to Help

As cities and states drop their mask mandates, some Americans may be feeling anxious about dropping this facial covering. After two years of wearing a mask, it can be difficult to wrap your head around...

How to Start Eating Healthy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deciding to start eating healthy can be challenging. Every time you turn around, there's a new fad diet or another food that's bad for you. How do you know where to start? This guide will help make the transition t...

Importance of Friendship for Your Overall Wellness

Friendship is vital for your overall wellness for several reasons. Individuals should reach out and connect with friends to improve their well-being. Health experts advise that social interaction is key to a person's ...

SNAP and Nutrition Education: Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

In recent years, there has been an escalating concern about the nutritional quality of food consumed by economically disadvantaged families. Research has revealed that individuals with limited economic means ar...

Need More Food Stamps? Meet the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SNAP, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is a U.S. federal welfare program that makes it easier for low-income individuals and families to purchase food of good quality at afforda...

Everything That You Need to Know About When You May Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

Now that the world is nearly nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic, there is finally a little light at the end of the tunnel. Next week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will meet to disc...